Wed, April 17, 2024

Neue Homepage, neues Design

Achtung: Aktuelle Infos nur noch unter

== english below == 

Viele Jahre hat es gedauert, es wurde viel beraten und gemunkelt, jetzt ist es soweit: Heute, am 17.4. wird die neue Stubnitz Page im sich immer weiter ausbreitenden neuen Design aktiviert:, Smartphonekompatibel, übersichtlich und mit neuer Datenbank und eigenem Ticketshop via Stager. Die nächsten Wochen werden noch einige Updates drüber laufen und es wird im Laufe des Jahres noch weitere Ergänzungen geben. Viel Spaß auf der neuen Page, wir sind uns ganz sicher, dass ihr so besser nachschauen könnt, wer und was wir eigentlich sind – und wann was bei uns an Bord passiert. 

Info: Zunächst wird die alte Page aus den frühen 2000ern noch unter im Netz bleiben, aber nicht mehr bespielt und aktualisiert. Konzerte, News und alles andere gibt’s nur noch unter

Ein besonderer Dank geht raus an: Damian, Jaz, Moritz, Pesco


















= = = = = = = = = = =

Attention: Up-to-date information only at! 

It has taken many years, there has been much talk and rumors, but now the time has come: Today, April 17th, the new Stubnitz page will be activated in the expanding new design:, responsive, easily navigable and with a new database and its own ticket store via Stager. The next few weeks will see a few more updates and there will be further additions in the course of the year. Have fun on the new page, we are sure that from now on you will be able to see much better who and what we actually are - and when what happens on board with us.

Info: Initially, the old page from the early 2000s will remain online at, but will no longer be updated. Concerts, news and everything else will only be available at

Special thanks for this milestone to: Damian, Jaz, Moritz, Pesco

New Clips

Fri, April 13, 2018

Stubnitz presents: Fast Forward Copenhagen - 20. April 2018

Fast Forward CopenhagenFast Forward Copenhagen

Fast Forward Productions formed in December 2015 as a new take on DIY rave culture where all events is build from the ground up, focusing on our local scene and on collabing with likeminded crews and concepts from abroad. With a focus on social engagement, and by using activists from the local community to help make the events come to life, Fast Forward actively focuses in creating safe spaces at the venues we use where sexism, racism, homophobia and transphobia is not be tolerated. After the first year of activities, numerous collabs and a tight knit relationship with Herrensauna Berlin, FOMO Club Stockholm, Bare Hands Vienna, we decided to establish us as an Agency with 12 of the scene´s core members containing both DJ-sets and live acts and to not only work both as a traditional agency, but also as a promotional platform for each individual´s creative output.

Line Up:

Schacke (Ectotherm)

Rune Bagge (Ectotherm)

Dj Ibon (Ectotherm, BunkerBauer)

Repro (live) (Euromantic)

Niki Istrefi (live) (Euromantic)

Sugar (Euromantic, Et Andet Sted)

Sella Turcica (BunkerBauer)

Lund & Rønde (BunkerBauer)

Begin 2300 :: Damage 8€

Wed, April 11, 2018

Stubnitz Gästefahrt zum Hafengeburtstag 2018

Das Kultur- und Denkmalschiff Stubnitz (EX. SAS 501 / ROS 701) lädt zu einem Erlebnis der ganz besonderen Art. Sie feiern den 829. Hafengeburtstag und die spektakuläre Einlaufparade mit 300 Wasserfahrzeugen auf einem der größten Traditionsschiffe.
Die Fahrt findet am Donnerstag, den 10.05.2018 statt und dauert zirka sechs Stunden. Boarding ist zwischen 12:00 und 13:00 Uhr.

Geschlossene Gesellschaften (100-280 Pers.) können auch eine Extra-Fahrt, z.B. zum Feuerwerk oder zur Auslaufparade buchen. Anfragen bitte an

Abfahrt und Ankunft ab dem Liegeplatz am Kirchenpauerkai, HafenCity Hamburg. Nur 5 Minuten Fußweg von der U4 - HafenCity Universität, oder 2 Minuten vom Bus 111 Baakenhöft.

Tickets gibt es mit folgenden Buchungsoptionen:
60,- nur für die Fahrt
85,- für die Fahrt inkl. Getränke und Imbiss
Online über diese Plattform: VVK Link
Oder per Buchung mit Nennung der Personenzahl an die Mail - Adresse

Aufgrund des begrenzten Kontingents wird um frühe Buchung gebeten. Auch eventuelle Übernachtungen in Hamburg sind rechtzeitig zu reservieren, während dem Hamburger Hafengeburtstag sind die Übernachtungsplätze frühzeitig ausgebucht.

Das 80m-Schiff hat den Vorteil eines großzügigen Flächenangebotes auf den offenen Decks – Achterdeck, Brückendeck, Peildeck. So hat jeder Gast großzügig Platz und erlebt das maritime Spektakel in der ersten Reihe.

In den ehemaligen Laderäumen befinden sich Veranstaltungsräume zu je 170 m², welche mit Veranstaltungstechnik fest bestückt sind. Das Schiff am Liegeplatz ist eine originelle Location für Gesellschaften bis 700 Personen.

Infos zum Schiff und seiner Geschichte: MS Stubnitz Portrait

VVK: TixForGigs Link
Fcbk Event - Link

Tue, April 03, 2018

Heavy Waters at MS Stubnitz : Talbot + Barren Womb + Jabba :: Noise Rock ::: 08. April 2018

Talbot - Noiserock Duo aus Estland :: Barren Womb - Noiserock Duo aus Skandinavien :: Jabba - Noiserock aus Norwegen

Doors 2000 :: Begin 2100 :: Damage 15€

Coming from the Estonian capital of Tallinn, this two headed juggernaut has been conquering the world actively since 2008 with their special brand of sludgy post-metal. With Magnus Andre on bass guitar, synths, vocals and Evgeny Mikhailov on drums & vocals, TALBOT creates a unique sound all of their own.
The duo’s soundscapes are equally massive, atmospheric and noisy, with a nice amount of psychedelia on top of it. They have previously released an EP "Tundra" in 2008 and two albums: "EOS" (2010) and "Scaled" (2013). "EOS" was nominated for the Best Metal album of 2010 at the Estonian Music Awards, while "Scaled" won the award in 2013.
TALBOT has recently finished up recording of their new album, which is going to be released in Spring 2018.

Fcbk Link :: Bandcamp Link

"Talbot can now be considered true pioneers of the Sludge/Post-Metal genre" - The Sludgelord
"Quite a unique sound indeed, encompassing flourishes of vibrant psychedelia, rich atmospherics and, of course, massive riffs" - Terrorizer
"They claim to be the loudest duo on the planet (and beyond!) and on this showing I'm not doubting them" - Echoes And Dust

Nearly three years since their last full length release, BARREN WOMB return with Old Money / New Lows: A jarring, mid-tempo dirge in 8 movements that sees the band further evolving into an animal all of its own. The album will be out February 16th through Spartan Records / Loyal Blood Records.
Since their inception in late 2011, the Nordic heavy noise rockers have been raising both eyebrows and hell with their minimalistic approach, earsplitting volume and defiant experimentation. The duo, comprising singer/drummer Timo Silvola and singer/guitarist Tony Gonzalez, make efficient use of crude dynamics and the power of the riff to hammer their point across.
The duo have previously toured the US and Europe multiple times, where they’ve shared stages with among others Entombed A.D, Voivod, Conan, NoMeansNo og Årabrot, and have played at festivals like SXSW, Tallinn Music Week, Øya and Pstereo.

Fcbk Link :: Soundcloud Link

“It’s rare that a band sounds this pummeling and gleeful at the same time” - Decibel Magazine
"Barren Womb push the boundaries of what two guys with instruments can create" - Loudwire
"This band deserves your attention" -

Commonly known as ”the only rock band in Tromsø”, JABBA, originally hails from the rural town of Sørreisa and have trough strife and struggle fought their way trough the harsh street life of this unforgiving northern settlement.
After 10 years of backbreaking labour the duo have finally released their debut album, ”VICE” which is out now on Loyal Blood Records. JABBA could say they are inspired by bands like Black Sabbath, Motörhead, ZZ Top and Primus, which would be true. However, inspirations are many and can be summarized in only one word: Classy.

Fcbk Link :: Soundcloud Link

”People discovering vice for the first time will be hardpressed not to become mesmerized by Jabba’s aural offerings” - Rock and Roll Fables
”VICE is a hefty slab of noise rock awesomeness, like a mutant version of The Melvins and Motorhead.” - Midlands Metalheads
”It’s punk, metal, hardcore all rolled into one package and it’s damn good!” - Punk Online

Tue, April 03, 2018

Occult Rock Live : The Braves (AUS) :: 04. April 2018

Rock 'n' roll and occultism has always had a romantic relationship. The Braves adore the darker, more mysterious side of music and their latest album 'All Through Paradise' captures this relationship almost physically, each note and melody planting little sickly seeds at the base of your spine.
Formed late 2012 on the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia The Braves came cutting through the surrounding noise to create a sound and a notoriety that is uniquely their own without jumping on coat tails and band wagons or rehashing what's already come.
Starting with Djesse Bolte on bass and Kelly Watson on guitar, the two quickly found the drummer to suit in Ethan Leversha, the last outcast in town. With a mission statement fully in tact and the sound to follow The Braves started playing every opportunity they got from warehouse parties to backwash bars, artist collectives to the deserts and anarchist centres while building the ever-evolving mould of their music.

Fcbk Link :: Bandcamp Link

Einlass: 20:00 Uhr :: Konzertbeginn 21:00 Uhr :: VVK: 8,- (+ Gebühr) | AK: 10,- €

Tue, January 16, 2018

Garage / Punk Live :: The Devils (IT) + The Beasts (DE) // 24.01.2018

From Naples, Italy comes that earbleeding minimalistic blasphemic Guitar Wall Blues Rockabilly Noise Trash Rock’n’Roll Tornado made by only two persons.
The Devils named themself after Ken Russel's super B-Movie 'the devils' from 1971, inspired by listening to Blues and Punk and many other Undergrund Bands (The Cramps, Hound Dog Taylor, The Gories, Jon Spencer, Fugazi, Hasil Adkins, The Oblivians etc) they formed their own band in 2015 in Neaples Italy, the Deep South of Italy.
Gianni Vessella plays the Guitar and Sings and Erica Toraldo hits the Drums and Screams in the Microphone. In the Beginning they did Countless Shows in Italy DIY and France where they meet up with Jim Diamond from the Dirtbombs who recorded their first Full Lenght album, the same Day Reverend Beat-Man from Voodoo Rhythm records was in the same town and got their recordings and signed them up on the Label.
This is a Huge Wall of Guitar Fuzz and Noise and Vocals as Stupid and Minimalistic as it gets, this is No Bob Dylan poetry thats pure Evil and Lots of Fun !! Chainsaw Massacre Hysteric Earbleeding Vocals and the Drumer probably Eats Speed and Power Food for Breakfast, they are Dressed up as Preacher and Nun and Destroy every Stage that they can play on, they Are Hot and Wild and Very Loud !!!!!

LINE UP Erica Toraldo : vocals and drums Gianni Vessella : vocals and guitar

The Devils website :: Video Link

Support: The Beasts (HH)

The Beasts bieten Blues Trash, primitiven Rock'n'Roll und sonnige Surf Instrumentals. Der treibende Beat und die rotzigen Fuzz Riffs verleiten das Publikum, Textzeilen mitzugröhlen und auf primitive Weise abzutanzen.

Thu, January 04, 2018

3 x Punk Rock Live :: Klotzs, Nerf & Panikraum // 19. Jan. 2018

KLOTZS :: Das Siegener Duo ist hierzulande spätestens seit der Splitsingle mit EA80 bekannt. Doch verbindet die beiden Bands nicht nur eine jahrelange Freundschaft und die Bretter der Bühne, die die Welt bedeuten. Denn auch der düstere Einfluss der Mönchengladbacher hat sich in den ausgeklügelten Texten und der Musik von Klotzs niedergeschlagen. Das ganze wird aber seit jeher durch eine ordentliche Prise Noisepop und innovativen Krautpunk zu einer absolut frischen und eigenständigen Note verdichtet.
Im November veröffentlichten sie eine neue DLP namens „Eine Stadt/Kleine Stadt“ bei Major Label.

NERF (Berlin) :: Synth-Krach mit Orgel und/oder/auf Vodka

PANIKRAUM (Möchengladbach) :: PANIKRAUM ist der Raum, in dem sich unsere Gedanken verlaufen können. Zu viele Optionen - zu viele Möglichkeiten. Eine Reise ins Ungewisse, Spekulative. Mit dabei sind u.a. Mitglieder von EA80 und DIE STRAFE.

Links :: Klotzs Facebook Link :: Nerf on Bandcamp :: Panikraum on Bandcamp

Doors 2000 :: Begin 2100 :: Damage 9€

Thu, January 04, 2018

Live :: Scott Kelly & John Judkins + Peter Wolff // 11. Jan. 2018

Scott Kelly accompanied by John Judkins

Scott Kelly is one of three founding members of the legendary band Neurosis of Oakland, California. Has been writing and publishing music since 1985 with Neurosis, Tribes of Neurot, Blood and Time, Shrinebuilder, Corrections House, Mirrors For Psychic Warfare and his solo acoustic project, as well as being part owner of Neurosis' record label Neurot recordings.
With his unmistakable deep growl, his fearless lyrical honesty, and rich, spare guitar work, Mr. Kelly lays everything on the line. Only a true artist would be so willingly and completely exposed. So intensely focused on truth, redemption, and healing. So in tune with the song he has always heard inside. His path has been a narrow, dark, and difficult one. But with his most recent work, Scott Kelly shows that his strength and vision has endured it all.

John Judkins is a multi-instrumentalist from Middle Tennessee. He is a founding member of the alt-metal group Laser Flames on the Great Big News (guitar/vocals,) as well as guitarist for apocalyptic prog-rockers The Protomen and bassist for Murfreesboro, Tn's Seafood Hotline. John has spent years as a touring bassist with former and current Relapse Record's bands Today is the Day (2008-2010) and Rwake (2010-present.)

“Kelly is primarily known for his day job in the legendary band Neurosis, as well as in acts like Shrinebuilder, Mirrors for Psychic Warfare, Corrections House, Tribes of Neurot, Blood & Time, etc. Thankfully, I was hip to the stripped down, minimalist music he creates alone, as well. The profoundly poignant content he manifests as an individual, or within the set up as Scott Kelly & The Road Home, is a soul-searing testament to his earnest talent. (…) As for the people in attendance, the significance of our collective, communal-like experience was evident. Complete silence hung like a haze during these songs. No one dared utter a word as we stood transfixed, only applauding as each came to an end. (…) There would be a fantastic sonic representation of the varying periods of output from Kelly’s solo legacy, as songs “The Wash Of The Sea” and “Endless” from 2016’s “Push Me Onto The” EP were played. There were returns to the 2012 album (…), as well, with “The Sun Is Dreaming In The Soul” and “We Let The Hell Come”. The ladder was delivered with sections of undiluted aggression channeled, via electrified instrumentation and performer angst.”

- Pat “Riot” Whitaker, on Scott and John’s live performance in Asheville, August 12th, 2017. To get a more in-depth look on Scott and John’s performance, please see the full live review

Doors 2000 :: Official website :: Facebook Link

Tue, November 28, 2017

Live :: Hang Massive - 04. Dec. 2017

Im Dezember 2011 veröffentlichte Hang Massive ihr erstes Online-Musikvideo 'Once Again'. Das Video ging super schnell viral und wurde bereits über 40 Millionen Mal auf allen Teilen der Erde online angesehen. Dieser Erfolg führte so viele Menschen zu einem wundervollem neuen Instrument und ein neuer Tribe, der nicht genug von den vielseitigen Klängen dieses tief berührenden Instruments bekommen kann, war geboren.
Hang Massive sind derzeit auf Welttournee, und berühren die Herzen mit einer Mischung ihrer früheren Live-werke und Songs des Albums Distant Light . Erfolgreiche Touren durch Europa, Russland, Indien, Australien, und Neuseeland verhalfen der Band und den Produktionen zu weltweiter Anerkennung.

Official Website :: Facebook Link :: Youtube Link :: Instagram Link

Doors 2000 :: Damage 30€ :: VVK Link

Tue, November 28, 2017

Bass Bass Bass Live :: Lee Berwick (UK) - 01. Dec. 2017

Special Set Bass Music mit Lee Berwick (Digidub / London)

Lee Berwick ist ein Londoner Sonic Artist, der mit dem Namen Digidub von 1989 bis 2006 sein standing begründetet.
Digidub war Lee's Plattenlabel und erstes Tonstudio, und sein Projekt unter diesem Namen war akiv als Label, Soundsystem, Band, DJ-Projekt und Remix-Artist und hat auf 4 Kontinenten reichlich Anerkennung gefunden.

Sound-Insider schätzen die Bassqualität an Bord der Stubnitz. Im Vorschiff ist eines der wirklich guten Bass-Erlebnisse in Hamburg, und im Konzertsaal ist der große differenzierte Bass ein Höhepunkt. Wenige wissen, dass die Bassanlage im ev. einzigen Konzertraum unter der Wasserlinie (seit 12 Jahren an Bord) noch nie vollständig mit Treibern ausgestattet war. Dies hat nun die BKM Förderung "Technische Erneuerungs- und Sanierungsbedarfe von Livemusikspielstätten in Deutschland" möglich gemacht.

Für die Einweihung hat sich die Stubnitz den geeigneten Artist ausgesucht. Lee Berwick hat eine ganze Sammlung von Stil-überschreitender tanzbarer Musik mit einem Fokus auf interessante Bassqualität, die er in der Vergangenheit bereits an Bord gebracht hat und für diese Gelegenheit nach Hamburg bringen wird. Er nennt es ein Set von digickal roots oriented nonsense and late 60′s melodic Jamaican tunes. Die Liebhaber dürfen ein paar Stunden im Bass baden.

Lee spielt wie er mag und solange er Lust hat.

Lee Berwick Official Homepage :: Lee on Soundcloud

Doors / Begin 22 Uhr. :: Damage 8€

Sat, November 11, 2017

Jazz Rock Live :: Marutyri (NL) - 23. Nov. 2017

Marutyri is an in Rotterdam based, instrumental fusion band. The deep and solid grooves, intense harmonies, story telling solo’s and the well arranged parts, make Marutyri unique in the today’s’ music world and the tougher-than-ever music business.
The band got off to a flying start since their founding in September 2014. In 2015 Marutyri played on the worldwide renown North Sea Jazz Festival, and, they won the prestigious NPO Radio 6 Soul & Jazz Award for Best Talent. In the same year, the band was invited to and played several times on the popular Dutch TV-show “De Wereld Draait Door”. The EP “The Tribe” was released in June 2015 and received a number of good critics.

How did this band become successful on such short notice? Well, not only by delivering hard work and interesting compositions, but also by making stunning live videos and working in a deadline based strategy: it all turned out to be highly effective. Most of the compositions, the arrangements and the project planning come from the band leader and bass player Rik van der Ouw. The band members share their artistic ideas, work hard and strongly focus when they send the music into the world.

The founders of the band became friends back in 2011 when they started studying at Codarts, the conservatory of Rotterdam. After going through various and different bands and projects (such as soul/funk formation Grant with the talented vocalist Jared Grant) they decided, instead of just listening to the fusion music, to make it their own and produce it themselves.

Reviews: "The build-up is almost ‘symphonic’ indeed, with a beginning and an end, with clear parts in the middle and which are not repeated in the composition. Impressive". - Jan Piet Hartman,
"Alternately, musically compelling and equipped with its own identity, Marutyri on ‘ Inner Movements ‘ sounds like a well oiled collective for which a bright future in play". - Erno Elsinga, Jazzenzo
"In short ‘ Inner Movements ‘ is an excellent jazz rock Made in Holland". - Cok Jouvenaar,
"Marutyri, this young band seems to be building its brand awareness thorough – also if you have nothing with the music that these musicians play – you can almost not ignore that". - Jan Piet Hartman,

Line up:
Rik van der Ouw – bass guitar, synth bass
Ruud van Halder – guitars
Thijmen Oberink – keyboards
Maurice Slot – drums
Roy Gielesen – percussion
Dennis te Woerd – tenor saxophone
Floris Windey – trumpet, flügelhorn
Yiannis Marinos – trombone

– The band is founded in september 2014.
– December 2014, release first EP: ”The First One”.
– June 2015, release second EP: ”The Tribe”.
– Spring and summer 2015, club- and festivaltour in the Netherlands and Belgium
– 11/07/’15, show on North Sea Jazz Festival ’15, Mississipi stage.
– NPO Radio 6 Soul & Jazz Award: Beste Soul & Jazz talent.
– Marutyri played already 5 times in the famous dutch tv-show ”De Wereld Draait Door”.
– April 7th 2016, release full-lenght album: Inner Movements (on Challenge Records International).
– Spring and summer 2016, club- and festival tour in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

Official website

Doors 2000 :: Damage 18€