Garage / Punk Live :: The Devils (IT) + The Beasts (DE) // 24.01.2018
From Naples, Italy comes that earbleeding minimalistic blasphemic Guitar Wall Blues Rockabilly Noise Trash Rock’n’Roll Tornado made by only two persons.
The Devils named themself after Ken Russel's super B-Movie 'the devils' from 1971, inspired by listening to Blues and Punk and many other Undergrund Bands (The Cramps, Hound Dog Taylor, The Gories, Jon Spencer, Fugazi, Hasil Adkins, The Oblivians etc) they formed their own band in 2015 in Neaples Italy, the Deep South of Italy.
Gianni Vessella plays the Guitar and Sings and Erica Toraldo hits the Drums and Screams in the Microphone. In the Beginning they did Countless Shows in Italy DIY and France where they meet up with Jim Diamond from the Dirtbombs who recorded their first Full Lenght album, the same Day Reverend Beat-Man from Voodoo Rhythm records was in the same town and got their recordings and signed them up on the Label.
This is a Huge Wall of Guitar Fuzz and Noise and Vocals as Stupid and Minimalistic as it gets, this is No Bob Dylan poetry thats pure Evil and Lots of Fun !! Chainsaw Massacre Hysteric Earbleeding Vocals and the Drumer probably Eats Speed and Power Food for Breakfast, they are Dressed up as Preacher and Nun and Destroy every Stage that they can play on, they Are Hot and Wild and Very Loud !!!!!
LINE UP Erica Toraldo : vocals and drums Gianni Vessella : vocals and guitar
The Devils website :: Video Link
Support: The Beasts (HH)
The Beasts bieten Blues Trash, primitiven Rock'n'Roll und sonnige Surf Instrumentals. Der treibende Beat und die rotzigen Fuzz Riffs verleiten das Publikum, Textzeilen mitzugröhlen und auf primitive Weise abzutanzen.
Current Location
Tue, 12. Aug 2110
Sun, 18. Jun 6000
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