Wed, April 17, 2024

Neue Homepage, neues Design

Achtung: Aktuelle Infos nur noch unter

== english below == 

Viele Jahre hat es gedauert, es wurde viel beraten und gemunkelt, jetzt ist es soweit: Heute, am 17.4. wird die neue Stubnitz Page im sich immer weiter ausbreitenden neuen Design aktiviert:, Smartphonekompatibel, übersichtlich und mit neuer Datenbank und eigenem Ticketshop via Stager. Die nächsten Wochen werden noch einige Updates drüber laufen und es wird im Laufe des Jahres noch weitere Ergänzungen geben. Viel Spaß auf der neuen Page, wir sind uns ganz sicher, dass ihr so besser nachschauen könnt, wer und was wir eigentlich sind – und wann was bei uns an Bord passiert. 

Info: Zunächst wird die alte Page aus den frühen 2000ern noch unter im Netz bleiben, aber nicht mehr bespielt und aktualisiert. Konzerte, News und alles andere gibt’s nur noch unter

Ein besonderer Dank geht raus an: Damian, Jaz, Moritz, Pesco


















= = = = = = = = = = =

Attention: Up-to-date information only at! 

It has taken many years, there has been much talk and rumors, but now the time has come: Today, April 17th, the new Stubnitz page will be activated in the expanding new design:, responsive, easily navigable and with a new database and its own ticket store via Stager. The next few weeks will see a few more updates and there will be further additions in the course of the year. Have fun on the new page, we are sure that from now on you will be able to see much better who and what we actually are - and when what happens on board with us.

Info: Initially, the old page from the early 2000s will remain online at, but will no longer be updated. Concerts, news and everything else will only be available at

Special thanks for this milestone to: Damian, Jaz, Moritz, Pesco

New Clips

Thu, October 20, 2016

Cutting Edge Jazz Double Bill :: Albatre & Brewed by Noon - 27.10.2016

BRUISED BY NOON: solo drum narration project

As high concept as it may be in theory, Bruised by Noon is still a solo drum work, albeit one by an artist who consistently strives to expand the boundaries of his instrument.
Bruised by Noon, A Limited Edition Solo Drum Project Which Concludes the Tale of Finny Finnigan, the Gambler Who Was Introduced on Noonan's Critically Acclaimed 2012 Project A Gambler's Hand, Available as CD, Download and Vinyl and Accompanying Book .
Just a few months after the release of his punk-rock influenced Pavees Dance: There's Always the Night, which paired the 38 year old drummer with Malcolm Mooney, the original vocalist for the leading avant-garde rock group of the '70s, Can, Noonan will release Bruised by Noon, a solo drum CD and vinyl recording, with an accompanying print book, on August 26.
Bruised by Noon which includes twelve "bouts" that Finnigan has with the wall in many ways coalesces the concepts that have driven Noonan's work as he has continued to evolve as a creative artist.
Still, elements of folklore are present in that work: Finny is actually a Pavee, an Irish traveler and tinker similar to a gypsy. Pavees have existed in Ireland since before the fifth century, and Noonan revisited them for inspiration on Pavees Dance: There's Always the Night. After each of the 11 bouts on Bruised by Noon, Finny's body ever so slowly becomes a permanent part of the wall.

Official Website

Albatre is a new experimental music trio operating from Rotterdam. Their music is a joyously harrowing display of urgent bass & sax noise, skewed jazz elements, frantic but meticulous drumming and abrupt moodshifts. Albatre can be seen as part of a burgeoning micro scene of artists highlighting the crossover of improv, noise rock and jazz currently made in Holland.

Official Website
Audio Link

Doors 2000 :: Begin 2100 :: Damage 13€

Thu, October 20, 2016

Post Rock Live :: Jardin de la Croix + Besides + Viva Belgrado - 25.10.206

Jardín de la Croix is an instrumental band, formed in 2006, that play a unique mix of Post Rock, Math Rock and Progressive Rock. Since its formation, the band has published 3 albums and , in October 2016, they will release their 4th LP, the first with Aloud Music Ltd.

Official Website
Audio Link

Besides came into being In 2011 in Brzeszcze, Poland. In less than 3 years it became one of the most popular bands on polish post-rock scene. A quartet, playing an unpopular musical genre, won millions of polish people’s hearts during a TV talent show – Must Be The Music and won the main prize of its eight edition.

Facebook Link
Audio Link

Viva Belgrado is a 4-piece band from Córdoba formed at the end of 2011 with the aim of mixing post-rock and European screamo. In 2016, Viva Belgrado will finish recording their new album and have already announced a European tour (26 dates!) for April.

Facebook Link
Audio Link

Einlass: 20:00; Konzertbeginn: 21:00; AK 10€

Tue, October 18, 2016

Live :: Alfie Ryner (FR) - Jazz Trash; 20.10.2016

Alfie Ryner is an electric quintet coming out of turbulent waters of today's jazz.
Alfie Ryner plays Jazz Trash, turbulent music, blending bass and synths, acoustic brass and electronic machines, natural sounds and sounds that explode, whispering, roaring ...
Alfie Ryner distills music's aesthetic boundaries, energetic music, dense, cinematic. An explosive and electric music, dark and massive. Music that tells stories, which borders as much on trance as math rock. Music that feeds image and poetry.
Alfie Ryner is five elegant and poisonous individuals who speak with one voice.

Paco Serrano : saxophone
Guillaume Pique : trombone
Gérald Gimenez : guitar
Guillaume Gendre : double bass
Loris Pertoldi : drums

Official Website
Audio Link

Einlass: 20:00; Konzertbeginn: 21:00; 10€ AK

Wed, October 12, 2016

Live :: Convulsif (CH; Doom / Drone Metal) - 19.10.2016

Convulsif is a collective focusing to an enriched tension between composition and improvisation in powerful sounds and experiments at the limits of styles and musical languages.
With its special and outstanding instrumentation – a classic rhythm section and a heavy amplified, treated violin & bass clarinet – the band goes deep in the sound of the actual rock scene and mix different tendencies to a new unknown conglomerate: Doom, Drone, Black Metal and Noise are played with the means of conceptual improvisation and imposed themes. All colored by a very uncommon instrumentation.

Convulsif are:
Jamasp Jhabvala : violin & electronic
Christian Müller : clarinet & electronic
Loïc Grobéty : bass
Maxime Hänsenberger : drums

Official Website
Audio Link
Video Link

Doors 2100 :: Damage 10€

Wed, October 12, 2016

Live :: Joasihno (DE / Alien Transistor) + Farvel (NOR / Jazzland Recordings) - 14.10.2016

Was machen eigentlich die von The Notwist? Wie immer viel, nur nicht unbedingt unter dem Namen The Notwist.
Die Acher-Brüder kümmern sich derweil liebevoll um die Pflege ihres programmatisch betitelten Labels Alien Transistor, von wo aus noch mehr weirde bajuwarische Musik zwischen Elektronik und Muckertum in die Welt abgeschossen wird.
The Notwist-Mitglied Cico Beck von der Band Aloa Input und Nico Sierig, der bei den bajuwarischen Post-Indie-Rockern Instrument am Schlagzeug sitzt, bilden zusammen Joasihno. Auf ihrem mittlerweile dritten Album Meshes, dem zweiten auf Alien Transistor, treiben sie die komplexe, titelgebende Verflechtung von elektronischem Soundscaping, verruckelten Rhythmen und krautigen Spielereien noch ein Stück weiter als das Beck solo bisher mit dem Projekt umgesetzt hatte. Fisherprice-Keys inklusive. (Beschreibung von Kristoffer Cornils auf
Joasihno präsentiert das am 06. Mai erscheinende Album Meshes (Alien Transistor)

Video Link
Official Website
Facebook Link

Jazzland Recordings und Bugge Wesseltoft präsentieren Farvel (zuvor Isabel Sörling Farvel) und deren 2tes album 'RÖK' - als Nachfolger des hoch gelobten debut albums 'Isabel Sörling Farvel'.
RÖK ist das erste Album einer brandneuen Jazzland Serie die hochkarätigen, modernen Nordic Jazz fokussiert.
Farvel gewann 2010 den Young Nordic Jazz Comets - Award und 2012 den renommierten Preis 'Jazzkatten - Newcomer of the Year 2012' National Radio in Schweden. Seither hatten Farvel ungezählte Radioauftritte und Bühnenauftritte quer durch Europa.

Isabel Sörling, voice
Kim Aksnes, trumpet
Otis Sandsjö, tenor saxofon, clarinet
Henrik Magnusson, piano
Alfred Lorinius, double bass
Carl-Johan Groth, drums

Das Album RÖK ist im Vertrieb von

Video Link
Official Website

Doors 1900 :: Begin 2000 :: Damage 14€ (50% Erm. für Studenten an AK)

Mon, October 03, 2016

Live :: Tom Carter - 04.10.2016

"Tom Carter's electric guitar work weaves strands of melody, drone, fuzz, and charged silence into intricately detailed instant compositions. Pitchfork selected his 2015 solo 2LP Long Time Underground as the number-one experimental album of 2015. Carter is co-founder of legendary acid-folk pioneers Charalambides."

Audio Link
Official Website

Doors 19:30
Begin 20:30
Damage 12€

Fri, September 09, 2016

Live :: Eisenvater + Mutant Reavers :: Full Metal Ship :: 08.10.2016

Full Metal Ship mit Eisenvater + Mutant Reavers

Ahoi; Metalheads! Macht euch bereit für Full Metal Ship, die Metal-Partys auf der MS Stubnitz! Euch erwarten Bands, Specials und viel Spaß, also kommt an Bord!
Aftershow-Party Programm mit den DJs vom Ballroom HH sowie Thrash Bingo mit Maschine, Merchandise, Verlosungen und vieles mehr!

Fri, September 09, 2016

Live :: Saroos (DE, Alien Transistor / Indigo / Morr Music) - 27.09.2016

Saroos fangen auf ihrem vierten Album das Unvorstellbare ein, ohne es seines Geheimnisses zu berauben. Für das feinsinnig verwobene »Tardis« hat die Band mit dem Produzenten Tadklimp neue Möglichkeiten ausgelotet. Mit behutsamen Rhythmen, einem satten modularen Sound-Design und dichten Harmonien beschwört die neue LP von Saroos, für das von Markus & Micha Acher kuratierte Label Alien Transistor die Geister vager Erinnerungen herauf.

Fri, September 09, 2016

Live :: zZz (NL) + Futuro de Hierro (ES) - 25.09.2016

zZz sind zurück! Am 02. September veröffentlicht das niederländische Duo seine neue Platte „Juggernaut“ in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
Das Setup von Drums und Orgel hat sich nicht verändert, wohl aber der Sound. Irgendwo zwischen Neu!, Kraftwerk, den Butthole Surfers und Billy Idol, kochen zZz (ausgesprochen wie die Franzosen Jazz sagen, sans j und a) ihr eigenwilliges, unwiderstehliches Soundrezept!

„zZz erzeugen eine unglaubliche, fast sexuelle Live-Energie.“ –

zZz Website Link
Facebook Link
Video Link

So sieht die kommende Single „When I Come Home“ live aus: Video Link

Die Tour wird präsentiert von der Visions, Ox-Fanzine &,, und

Das Musikvideo zur Single hat vor Kurzem bei der Visions Premiere gefeiert:
Video Link

Futuro de Hierro (ES, Barcelona) is an electronic rhythmic noise project by multi-instrumentist and producer Víctor Hurtado, (Ordre Etern, Qa'a, Huan), collaborator of artists such as Jochen Arbeit (Einstürzende Neubauten) and Nurse With Wound, among others. Destroyed sounds and sonic detritus with political and magick themes. His live performances are high octane and visceral sonic assaults of disjointed rhythms, noise and vocals.

Video Link
Audi Link

Doors: 1900
Begin: 2000

Fri, September 09, 2016

Live :: GNOD - Psychedelic / Krautrock - 22.09.2016

In Gnod we trust!
Gnod is a British krautrock band from Salford, Greater Manchester, England.
Formed in 2006, the band was described in a review of its 2011 release Ingnodwetrust as "a collective from Manchester with an ever-rotating list of members". Its current lineup is Paddy Shine, Chris Haslam, Marlene Ribeiro and Neil Francis. In addition to releasing its work on Rocket Recordings, the band's own Tesla Tapes label serves, according to its Bandcamp page, as "an outlet for musical projects and meanderings by Gnodheads past, present & future and friends of Gnod all over the world".

As part of its residency at the Islington Mill Art Academy, the band curated "Tangent", an installation by sound artist Callum Higgins. According to the academy's website, the event "transformed our club space into a fully immersive, light reactive environment. Using the PA system and light sensitive noise creating circuits people were directed into to the room in small groups equipped with only a torch to guide them around. Their very presence and behaviour in the room manipulated and shaped their unique experience. The band also participates in a recurring shared club night at Islington Mill called Gesamtkunstwerk, (German for "whole arts work".) Reviewing a Gnod performance there, New Musical Express said, "this band are crazy good ... see them live now."

According to founding Gnod member Paddy Shine, Tesla Tapes takes its name from Nikola Tesla; band members cite such other non-musical influences as Kurt Vonnegut, David Simon, Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake. Asked what the band would like to tell the world, Chris Haslam responds "Rebel! Rebel! We are many, they are few!"

Gnod Blog
Gnod Audio Link

Einlass 20:00
Konzertbeginn: 21:00