TRYON: Elektronik, Jazz, Rock & orchestraler Avantgarde [07.10.2021]

TRYON ist das musikalische Projekt von Kellen Tryon Mills. Nachdem Kellen 2014 von Seattle, WA, nach Berlin gezogen war, komponierte er 8 Jahre lang in seinem ursprünglichen Avantgarde-Projekt Alex's Hand und startete 2020 während der Corona-Pandemie ein völlig neues Projekt namens „TRYON“. Kombination aus Elektronik, Jazz, Rock und orchestraler Avantgarde. Tryon ist ein frisches neues Erfrischungsgetränk.

Modern Jazz…
Kellen Mills (b), Ganna Grynvia (voc), Toms Rudzinskis (as), Omri Abramov (ts, ewi-elect.), Ruben Bernges (e-g), Dante Uccello (p, synths, electr.), Henry Hahnfeldt (dr)

Einlass: 20 Uhr, Konzert, 21 Uhr


TRYON is a solo project centered around the songwriting of composer Kellen Tryon Mills. Currently based in Berlin, Germany and deeply ingrained in the international melting pot that makes up the Berlin jazz scene.

Recovering from his dissolution of his past group "Alex's Hand" as well as a long term relationship, Kellen strove to make something new. And of course after the cataclysm of our modern times it went to inform what the new EP "Wasted Time" is about. Combining swirling synths, danceable melodies, harsh textures, orchestral instrumentation with progressive vocals helps lay the groundwork.

EP: "Wasted Time"

Sounds Like: Snarky Puppy, Mars Volta, Frank Zappa, Knower



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