:: EVENT :: Orsak:Oslo + LegPuppy :: DONNERSTAG 5. DEZEMBER 2019 ::
dystopian post-rock & psychedelic electro-punk ::
:: LIVE :: ab 22:00 UHR :: Orsak:Oslo ::
Orsak:Oslo is a dark slow brew containing of psych, dystopian post-rock and trippy space blues ::
:: LIVE :: ab 21:00 UHR :: LegPuppy ::
LegPuppy have been blowing audiences away in cities all across Europe, with their electrifying immersive live shows. ::
:: LIVE :: ab 21:00 UHR :: LegPuppy ::
LegPuppy have been blowing audiences away in cities all across Europe, with their electrifying immersive live shows. The bands unique blend of social commentary, AV projections and performance art, have caught the attention of BBC Introducing. The band have supported Black Midi, Gary Clail & LA's Nightclub.
'An atmospheric and fearless perfect marriage of contrasts'
BBC Introducing
'Black Mirror meets CJ Bolland'
Pop, Rinse, Repeat
'Power, energy and sonic diversity'
Louder Than War
The band released the critically acclaimed album 'Non Disclosure Agreement' in June 2019, touring across Europe including shows in Porto, Lisbon, Berlin & Leipzig.
The band will release a new album 'The Art of Gravity' in early 2020, which includes collaborations with the likes of Josefin Öhrn.
Orsak:Oslo is a dark slow brew containing of psych, dystopian post-rock and trippy space blues. The Norwegian/Swedish band have released 9 EPs since the beginning in 2014. With their monolithic and melancholic instrumental pieces, this is music for the active listener. O:O is a marriage between impulsive improv and thoughtful composition, melodies and new harmonies carefully woven in, layer by layer. With a reverence and underlying devotion to the aura and musical preconditions laid down from the start, the result is raw, unpolished and true.
O:O's music reveals a desolate longing for broken everydayness, and frustration in facing a future darker day by day. The music draws sea maps that pilot you to underwater reefs of suppressed memories and forgotten emotions. And as always when hitting shoals of the mind, it's not a fair sight.
Current Location
Tue, 12. Aug 2110
Sun, 18. Jun 6000