:: EVENT :: Mondo Generator & Blast Bomb :: SONNTAG 23. FEBRUAR 2020 ::

Death Punk | Explosive Rock | Stoner | Alternative Metal ::

Mondo Generator is a punk/metal hybrid band from Los Angeles, fronted by Nick Oliveri (QOTSA, Dwarves, Bloodclot, Kyuss).
Mondo Generator was formed in 1997 by Queens of the Stone Age bassist/singer Nick Oliveri. Initially intended as a solo/side project, the classic 'Cocaine Rodeo' album was recorded that same year, but shelved until the Southern Lord label released it and its unique brand of criminal insanity to widespread acclaim and horror in the summer of 2000.

www.facebook.com/official :: www.mondogenerator.bandcamp.com ::

:: LIVE :: AB 20:00 UHR :: Blast Bomb (de-hh) ::

Blast Bomb aus Hamburg liefern Explosive Rock für alle die es hart und dreckig mögen. Seit 2017 ständig unterwegs und mit über 30 Gigs sind sie live eine gut geölte Maschine.
Blast Bomb wurde zu einem beliebten lokalen Opener für etablierte Bands wie: Life Of Agony, Doyle/Misfits, Electric Eel Shock, Conan, Monolord, Honeymoon Disease, Powder For Pigeons, The Grumpynators etc. Ihre Releases haben für Aufmerksamkeit gesorgt und erhielten durchweg positive Kritiken in ganz Europa. Die Musik-Videos wurden vielfach gestreamt. Nach ihren bisherigen 2 EPʼs, sind für 2020 weitere Veröffentlichungen geplant.

www.blastbomb.bandcamp.com :: www.facebook.com/blastbombhamburg ::

:: LIVE :: AB 20:00 UHR :: Mondo Genertor (us) ::

The follow-up, 'A Drug Problem That Never Existed,' was released jointly in the Summer of 2003 by Ipecac/Rekords Rekords to further critical acclaim. A worldwide tour followed that was chronicled on video for the DVD release 'Use Once and Destroy Me'. In 2004, Mondo Generator recorded and released 'III The EP.' Oliveri began a solo acoustic career shortly after, which would see two full releases, 'Demolition Day', and 2010's 'Death Acoustic.' In 2006, Mondo Generator released 'Dead Planet: SonicSlowMotionTrails' on English label Mother Tongue. It would be released worldwide the following year on Suburban Noize Records. In late 2010, Mondo Generator would be put on a back-burner as Oliveri rejoined Kyuss, re-branded as Kyuss Lives! (and now Vista Chino), which also features John Garcia, Brant Bjork, and new guitarist Bruno Fevery. In summer 2012, the new Mondo Generator album, 'Hell Comes To Your Heart,' was released by Mondo Media/Cobraside. New Album out in 2020.

www.facebook.com/officialmondogenerator :: www.mondogenerator.bandcamp.com