EVENT :: DLIGHT by Martí Guillem // Bandschlupf (HH) :: 23. Januar 2019
EVENT :: DLIGHT by Martí Guillem // Bandschlupf (HH) :: 23. Januar 2019
EVENT :: DLIGHT by Martí Guillem // Bandschlupf (HH)
VVK (+Gebühr): 8.00 € | AK : 10 €
LIVE :: ab 21:00 :: Bandschlupf aus Hamburg
Improvisierte Elektronik zwischen Folklore, Wummern, Fieldrecordings und Drone.
Klappt nicht immer, aber ziemlich oft.
Also ich würd hingehen!
Audiolink :: soundcloud.link :: bandschlupf
LIVE :: ab 22:00 :: DLIGHT by Martí Guillem
DLIGHT is the most recent project from Martí Guillem.
DLIGHT is based on the synesthetic effect light-sound-light.
Different artifacts are created with the possibility of controlling different kind of light and sound parameters that affect each other.
A poetical and hypnotic experience out of standards.
Born in Valencia in 1983.
Currently living in Berlin.
Heterodox artist, who manipulates electronic devices, sounds, images, videos, actions and objects, where it often becomes unusual, unique. Improvisation, experimentation and diy (do it yourself), are combined, irreverently but reflexive, mostly in ephemeral proposals. It is characterized by a fresh and changing language that reflects on the social habits and the relationship between creativity and everyday life.
He has collaborated with many artists such a dancers, visual artists and performers, and played music and improvised sound with different groups and musicians.
His solo works are focused in constant expansion and learning.
Marti seems convinced that 'the mystery' is before us, and he shows to us. His creative discoveries tell us in some way, that 'we can start from here something that will take us very far. 'When he wants is an irreverent educated and / or make beautiful things and / or show you the beauty of what others call 'ugly'. The pleasure he experiences is perceived and feels almost like an act of generosity that invites you to attend. Marti is one of those artists who in their artistic approach is much of the message. He is the surprise ' (text by Alvaro Pichó)
During last years Martí has played and performed more than 100 performative-concerts with his different projects around Europe, in cities like Vienna, Rome, Oslo,Paris,Barcelona,Valencia, Madrid, Berlin Leipzig, Stockholm, Istanbul Warsaw, Prague, etc...
Website: pinpanpunfest.wordpress.com/ :: marti-net.blogspot.com/
Audiolink: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApkPctfQPyY :: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqZB4hRAsdA
VVK (+Gebühr): 8.00 € | AK : 10 €
Current Location
Tue, 12. Aug 2110
Sun, 18. Jun 6000
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