EVENT :: Anachronism 514235 :: 13.Dezember 2018
EVENT :: Anachronism 514235 :: 13.Dezember 2018
Anachronism 514235
± Peter Strickmann – solo
winds, objects, feedback
peter strickmann :: link
UNPROFESSIONAL is a state of mind born in Italy and exported to Berlin.
UNPROFESSIONAL is everywhere but not everyone.
UNPROFESSIONAL is distorted stroboscopic foggy and obscure dancefloor.
UNPROFESSIONAL is there where the difference between Lo-fi and bad is.
UNPROFESSIONAL (LIVE)s on the floors of the ghettos of the
UNPROFESSIONAL can happen in clubs too.
instagram.link :: ghetto_gi
soundcloud.link :: unprofessional
± Sad Ed
'Das muss!!! so.Da ist es gut!!! (Kinderweinen im Hintergrund) 'Was ist DAS DEnn? ' (sehr angeekelt aber unbedingt STARK) 'HihiHAAAAwääärgh iiiiiiii' (lautes ungehaltenes Gelächter) 50 Quietschies-Hundespielzeug Musikmatten-Hüpfklavier
± Difficult Music
Known amongst much for the consistently versatile and exploring radio show 'Difficult Music for Difficult People sent from Hamburg open radio station, FSK DJ Difficult Music shares his incredible knowledge and extremely broad interests in music with more or less difficult people on the air or in the venue.
mixcloud.link :: difficultmusic
fsk-hh :: link
Konzertreihe: Noise/Modular/Experimental/Avantgarde
Einlass 20 Uhr :: Beginn 21 Uhr :: Abendkasse :: 5 €
www.anachronism.de - facebook.link :: chronologicalinconsistencies
Website :: facebook.link :: events
Current Location
Tue, 12. Aug 2110
Sun, 18. Jun 6000
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